Thursday, October 17, 2013

Kids Say the Darndest Things, cont.

I was leaving the Pre School today and they director stopped me to ask if the teacher had told me what my (almost 4 yr old) son did yesterday.  Of course I'm thinking, great what horrible thing did he do this time (you know how a Mother's mind wanders and worries).

But she starts laughing and pulls out a picture.  Apparently the teacher had given all of the kids in the class magazines and ask them to cut out a picture of their favorite food.  Most kids cut out candy, cake or cookies she said.  

But not my son...and she showed me the picture of 2 champagne/wine flutes full of white wine or champagne.  She said the teacher thought that sure was different.  So she asked him, "oh, like apple juice".  "No," my son said, with his hand on his hip and a grin on his face.  "It's WINE, silly!" 

You can imagine I was laughing but also thinking that the pre school must now think that I'm an alcoholic!!!  I told her that my husband doesn't even drink and I drink maybe 1 glass a week...embarrassing but HILARIOUS!!

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